Tree Trimming And Pruning Myths

Tree Trimming And Pruning Myths

Tree pruning specialists always emphasize how important pruning is to a tree in different aspects of its life. Arborists work on pruning because it will help trees better withstand storms, grow healthily and avoid infections from bugs and disease. There is a difference between pruning’s and trimming procedures in that trimming is mostly for aesthetic reasons while pruning is mostly about the tree’s overall health. Despite those differences you will hear several myths that have to do with tree pruning. Some are so widespread that people believe them and never question how much truth there is behind those statements. Here are the top common myths that you will hear about pruning. click here for more details.

Myth #1: Trees Grow Fine Without Pruning

Most people will look at the trees in a forest setting and think that trees always grow great naturally. The only problem with that assertion is that the trees in a more urban setting will always have different needs. Arborists will tell you that trees in a city like Austin are exposed to different things than those that you would find in wooded areas and that means that pruning may be the one way that you have to keep them looking great at all times.

Myth #2: Healing A Tree By Cutting Close To The Trunk

Another myth that specialists will disavow is the one that says that if you cut close to the trunk the tree will heal faster. It is important to understand that healing trees is kind of a myth itself. They don’t heal the same way that a person would and that is why pruning is important. You are removing the infected parts so that your tree can grow better and without the disease anymore. That is why pruning is different than tree trimming services that only serve to have your tree look better.

Myth #3: Pruning Wounds And Wound Dressing

Dressings are petroleum-based products just like sealants and they are used in freshly cut wood in order to prevent insect infestation or decay. However, it is important to understand that some studies have shown that using this type of dressing can cause the moisture to be sealed in and therefore cause decay anyway. Eventually, using these products can cause different cracks which may expose your tree to different pathogens. New layers of wood are also slowed down when you use wound dressings or similar products. for more details, visit :

Tree Trimming And Pruning Myths

Myth #4: Spring Pruning

No matter what services you are looking for, be it pruning, trimming or other services the professionals will be glad to address myths regarding spring pruning. The idea is that some trees like birches and maples bleed out when cuts are done early in the spring. The type of bleeding that you see from pruning is usually not important to the overall health of the tree. There are, of course, a few exceptions but your trees can be pruned at any time of the year. The best times to prune your trees are after the flowering period and while the trees are in dormancy.

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